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Showing posts with label Salesforce Interview Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salesforce Interview Questions. Show all posts

Sharing and Visibility Scenario based Interview Questions Part 2

11. User A is on vacation and User B wants temporary access of records owned by User A, how to share those records?

Ans: For this we have to use "Login Access" feature to log in as another user. Enable "Manage Login Access Policies" checkbox under User B`s profile.

12. User A is not having CRED permission on Account Object even User A is not having VIEW ALL and MODIFY ALL permission and OWD is private still User A is able to Create record. What could be the possible reason ?

Ans: May be there is Apex class (without sharing) which have logic to create Account record.

13. User A have CREAD permission on Account Object and User B shares Account record with View access. User A is not Owner of that record but still can EDIT the record, what could be the reason ?

Ans: User A may be have Modify All Permission for account object.

14. Manager wants to see all records owned by their team members. How to achieve this without giving Full Permission?

Ans: Set Manager on higher in Role hierarchy. And Set OWD to Private and then create sharing rule to grant access to manager for their teams records.

15. User A and User B should not VIEW or MODIFY each other data, how to achieve this?

Ans: OWD must be Private. Users should not be higher each other in Role hierarchy. Both Users should not have VIEW ALL and MODIFY ALL permission on profile. WE have to check other sharing rules.

16. User A can see User B data, but User B not able to see User A data, what could be the reason ?

Ans: Check if both users are on same Role hierarchy, if yes then check profile. if profile also same then check is there any record level sharing like sharing rule, apex sharing process which shares data.

17. User A have Read and Edit access on Account object under Profile, User B manually shares account record with Read Access with User A, can User A EDIT that shared record ?

Ans: No, although User A have Read and Edit access on Profile, user A cannot EDIT shared record. User A only can EDIT those Account which he owns.

18. User A wants to share specific Opportunity with User B who is not in same role or hierarchy. How to achieve this?

Ans: We can achieve this using Manual Sharing. To share opportunity with other users who is not in same role or hierarchy, we can use Manual Sharing.

19. User A reported that he can see records which he should not have access, how to troubleshoot and resolve this ?

Ans: Check User profile and role hierarchy to ensure he is not granted access for those records.

Also review Sharing settings for objects

Check VIEW All and MODIFY All is disabled on profiles

Check if any permission set have this access

Check if he is member of any public group or queue


20. OWD for Account is Private and User A need to access few Account records, without changing OWD, how we can achieve this?

Ans: Use Manual Sharing and assign those few records with User A.

Read More: Sharing and Visibility Scenario based Interview Questions Part 1

Latest Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers:

Sharing and Visibility Scenario based Interview Questions Part 1

1. User A manually share record with User B. User A left organization, can User B still access records shared by User A?

Ans: No, Once Owner changes, then Owner based sharing remove by Salesforce. New owner need to re-share record with User B.

2. What is Data Skew and Owner Skew ? How to avoid it.

Ans: If parent record have more than 10000 child record then its Data skew. 

If user is owner of more than 10000 records then its Owner Skew.  

We have to monitor if any parent have more child records and move those to other parent.

If we have default owner then use some other logic to make default owner to other users.

3. When Object level access and Record level access have a conflict then what happens.

For example, let's say we have account object User A and User B both have read and edit access account object. User A manually share account record with the User B but while doing manual share User A provide read access to the User B. so User B can edit that manually shared Account record ?

Ans: Whenever there is a Object level access and Record level access have calculated Salesforce give the restrict level access to the user, in our case User B cannot Edit record shared by User A even if he have access Read and Edit Access

4. For Account object, User B do not have Edit access on Object level access. and User A manually shared account with Read and Edit access with User B, is User B able to Edit account ?

Ans: No, as User B do not have Edit access on Object level access (Profile level)


5. Account have 2 record types X and Y. On Profile, User A have X record type access but do not have access for record type Y. Can User A view Y record type Account records ?

Ans: Yes, can VIEW Y record type records. Record type restrict only Create access.

6. We have User a and User B, User A is above in role hierarchy but no Edit access on Account object. User B have Edit access on Account. Does User A have can edit the same record.

Ans: No, as User A do not have Edit access on Account object, so even on above role hierarchy User A cannot Edit account record.

7. Share button is not visible on page layout, why ?

Ans: If OWD of object is Public read - write then no need of sharing button. If OWD is not Public read - write, then check page layout and add button.

8. You want to give permission to certain group of users to export data from Salesforce, how would you achieve this ?

Ans: Create permission set and enable Weekly Data Export permission. Assign this permission set to users who need access to export data.

9. User A do not have FLS for Email field on Contact object. Can User A able to global search based on Email field ?

Ans: Yes, User A can do global search and get records but when User opens record then can not see Email field on Contact record.

10. What is the difference between Queue and public group ?

Ans: Queue is used for record owner ship. WE can not create queue on objects

 Public group is used for record visibility. WE can create public groups on objects. WE can create nested public groups.

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Read More: Sharing and Visibility Scenario based Interview Questions Part 2

Latest Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers:

Lightning Web Component Interview Questions - Part 2

 11. Can I use multiple decorators for one property?

Ans:No, we cant use multiple decorators for same property.

12. Do we have application events in LWC?

Ans:We dont have application event as such in LWC like Aura rather we have LMS in LWC to communicate between components which are not part of same hierarchy.

13. How to navigate user from LWC component to record detail page?

Ans: We can do it using NavigationMixin service.

14. Get current user ID in LWC without apex?

Ans: Yes we can get current user ID without apex by simply importing

        import Id from ‘@salesforce/user/Id’

15. When do we face error of “Cant assign to Read only property” in LWC?

Ans: This error generally occurs on update of public property @api decorator variable value. Ideally you should clone the value then make the changes to it.

16. How can you make a Lightning Web Component available for use in the Salesforce App Builder?

Ans: You need to define a custom component in the meta.xml file of your LWC and set the isExposed attribute to true.

17. How do you make an HTTP callout from a Lightning Web Component?

Ans: You can use the fetch API to make HTTP callouts in LWC. Import the fetch method and use it to send requests to external services.

18. LWC has the @wire decorator to get the data from apex. But you are not getting the data from the server. What could be one of the reason?

Ans: First check whether you have used @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) in the apex method.

19. How to get current record id in LWC

Ans: Use the 'lightning/pageReferenceUtils' module which provides utility functions to extract parameters, including the record ID, from the page URL.

        import { LightningElement } from ‘lwc’;

import { getRecordId } from ‘lightning/pageReferenceUtils’;

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {


connectedCallback() {

this.recordId = getRecordId();



20. How to ensure that LWC respects FLS?

Ans: a. Check FLS in Apex :

Use the 'SECURITY_ENFORCED' annotation. The 'WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED' clause ensures that the query respects FLS, throwing an exception if the user lacks the necessary permissions.

public with sharing class AccountController {


public static Contact getCon(Id conId) {




 b. Use Schema Methods in Apex

 c. Use Standard Components Where Possible: Use Lightning Data Service components

21. How do you use the Salesforce REST API in LWC ?

Ans: We can use the built-in fetch method to make API callout from LWC

import { LightningElement } from ‘lwc’;

export default class MyAPIComponent extends LightningElement {

connectedCallback() {

const endpoint = '/services/data/v53.0/query?q=SELECT+Name+FROM+Contact';

fetch(endpoint, {

method: 'GET',

headers: {

'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + authToken



.then(response => {

return response.json();


.then(data => {

console.log('Data '+data);


.catch(error => {

console.error('error '+error);



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Read More: Lightning Web Component Interview Questions - Part 1

Latest Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers:

Lightning Web Component Interview Questions - Part 1

1. We extends LightningElement in LWC, What is the reason?

Ans: LightningElement is custom wrapper on HTMLElement which actually contains all the lifecycle hooks methods like connectedCallback(), disconnectedCallback(), renderedCallBack(). We can use this methods in LWC

2. What is the Lifecycle in LWC?


a. Parent Constructor is called

b. Public property are set on parent

c, Parent is inserted to DOM

d. Once parent is inserted to DOM, Connected callback is called on parent

e. From this connected callback as parent is already inserted, you can reference different DOM elements.

f. Parent is rendered

g. Once parent is rendered, Constructor is called on the child

h. Public property of child are set

i. Child is inserted to DOM

j. Once child is inserted to DOM, Connected callback is called on child

k. Child is rendered

l. Once child is rendered, child rendered callback is called

m. Once child rendered callback is called, then parents rendered callback is called.

3. Is @wire method called multiple times during lifecycle of component in LWC ?

Ans:Yes, @wire method called multiple times in LWC

4. If we parent component X and there are two component Y and Z as child components. How can we communicate between Y and Z ?

Ans: We should fire up event from child component Y to parent X then from parent X call attribute / function exposed (as @api) and pass data into Z component.

5. Can we do DML in method annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable= true)?

Ans: No, we cannot do DML inside any method annotated with cacheable = true , we will receive an error as DMLLimit Exception.

6. Can we call function annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable= true) imperatively ?

Ans: Yes

7. How to refresh cache when calling method imperatively?

Ans: We have to use getRecordNotifyChange(RecordIds) which refreshes the Lightning Data Service cache providing you the latest data this will work only if cacheable = true was there. Otherwise we will have to call the function again from our js to get the latest data.

8. What happens when bubbles : false and composed : false (Default behavior)?

Ans:This is the default behavior, and bubbles and composed are not required to be defined explicitly.

When this is in effect, the event would not bubble up the DOM, as well as it would not cross shadow boundary.

We can listen these event only via defining the event handler to component that fires the event.

9. What happens when bubbles : true and composed : false ?

Ans:  In this behavior, the event bubbles up the DOM, but don’t cross the shadow boundary. In simple terms, It bubbles up inside the current template, in which event is fired, but it would not cross it’s boundary.

For example :- There are two component, where parent component contain child component. If event is fired inside child component, the event only bubbles up inside child component, and it would not cross it’s boundary, and parent component will not be able to listen this event.

10. What does composed : true does in an event ?

Ans: These types of events can bubble up inside DOM and also able to cross shadow boundary.

    For example :- There are two component, where parent component contain child component. If event is fired inside child component, the event bubbles up and it would cross it’s boundary, and parent component will be able to listen this event.

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Latest Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers:

Salesforce Interview Questions - Part 7

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Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments etc. please feel free to let me know. As always, please feel free to get in touch me as I would be more than happy to assist you with any of your Salesforce development needs.

Latest Salesforce Interview Questions - 8

136. Can a Apex trigger call a batch class in Salesforce?

Yes, we can call a batch class in the trigger as we do in the normal apex code. 

137. Can a trigger make a call to Apex callout method?

We can call a callout method in Apex Trigger but the only condition is that it has to be an asynchronous callout because the trigger flow cannot wait on the response received by the callout method.

138. Does Salesforce count calls to System.debug() against the code coverage?

No, Salesforce does not count it against the code coverage.

139. What is seeAllData and why it is recommended to avoid using it in Test classes?

Test classes run in a different context, i.e. a test class have no idea about the data stored in Salesforce, by setting seeAllData=true =>

@isTest(seeAllData = true)
Enabling this attribute exposes the data from the database to the test class.
It is recommended not to use as the code coverage of you apex class or trigger will now be dependent on the data which is present in org and depending upon that the code coverage may change. 

140. How many characters are allowed in a where clause?

We are allowed to use a maximum of 4000 characters in a where clause per SOQL.

141. What are the best practices for test class?

There are many considerations while writing a test class few are mentioned below:-
1.   Code coverage should not depend on the existing data in the org, i.e. seeAllData should not be true
2.   For testing trigger and batch class we should do bulk testing with at least 200 records.
3.   Testing should be done for the entire scenario not only for the code coverage.

142. What are the considerations for using Group by clause?

There are some fields on sObject which are not supported in grouping.

If a query includes Group by clause then it cannot be used with queryMore() method.

143. What are the authentication access types for a Force.Com Canvas Application?
Answer: Canvas Framework: This allows you to take your existing web-based applications and expose/integrate them inside of Salesforce.
Salesforce becomes single screen to access your key applications using Canvas Framework.

Canvas App Previewer used configure the app & view it.

Authentication Methods:

1. Signed request
2. OAuth 2.0

Canvas App level Authentication Can Be:

1. No Authentication
2. Username / Password
4. SSO
It is 2 sides authentication, together end user gets access

144. When would you use oAuth vs OpenID?

Actually both can be used as combination
oAuth : Authorization framework
OpenID : Authentication protocol

145. How many types of Assert Statements are there and what is their purpose?

Assert statements are used to compare expected value with the actual value.

There are three types of assert statements :
1.     assertEquals(expVal, actVal); returns true if expVal Matches actVal.
2.     assertNotEqual(expVal, actVal); returns true if expVal does not match actVal.
3.     assertEquals(expVal > actVal); returns true if the condition is satisfied.

146. Give me code free solution to validate duplicate check on combination of First & Last Name?

1. Create a formula field to get the concatenation of First & Last Name
2. Create a custom field to hold the value of formula field & declare this field as unique.
3. Create Work flow rule & Field Update action on every record creation/update save the above mentioned formula field value into custom field